Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Jogging for Beginners

For one that deals with a lot of anxiety through out the day, jogging serves as a way to cope during stressful times, like preparing for an exam,  serves as some mental relief, or carves the path for your mentality to reach a point of relaxation. For some, jogging can be seen as something simple that doesn't require much thinking but more doing. However, it is not the case. To get the most of your workout, one must take some vital steps of precaution.

1. Clothing- Choosing the right workout clothes is crucial when going out to jog. For example, if its cold out, make sure you don't wear any light clothing. I would suggest wearing some running pants or joggers instead of shorts, and a sweater so your body isn't exposed to the cold air as well as putting your hood over your head to protect your head.
Image result for clothing for running

2. Shoes and Socks- Some shoes can be very irritating when going for a jog, they can either be very tight or loose and just be a real setback during your exercise. As for the socks, I would suggest some ankle length socks so it doesn't trap all the sweat in your legs and let them be ventilated instead of compressed.
Image result for socks and shoes for jogging
3. Stretching- Most people underestimate the part of stretching before going for a jog. They do not want to stretch and prefer to start right away. But stretching is a very important part of your pre-workout. Without stretching you can really injure yourself like getting cramp mid workout and ruining the rest of your jogging, you can tear a muscle or sprain your ankle as well if such injury were to occur. Which is why stretching can help avoid these injuries. I would suggest stretching your thighs, calves, and hamstrings. You can go in the internet and see workouts that can stretch out these muscles.

4. Walking- After all the stretching is done, it is not quite time to start jogging. You must first walk for a while to get your legs working and the circulation running which helps get a feel of the environment and your feet used to the pavement, grass, dirt etc. It also helps knowing the path you will be taking or just going along as you go.
Image result for pathway

5. The Workout- After all is said and done, you begin jogging. First you must start slow so you don't get tired sooner. As for breathing you must develop a pattern of exhaling and inhaling and in case you loose track of your pattern then begin again and make sure you take short small breath depending on how fast/slow you're going.

Image result for jogging
6. Conclusion- Once you're finished make sure you walk the rest of the way home and wait a few minutes before taking shower. Try to take your shoes and socks off so your feet can get ventilation as well as your sweater and drink plenty of water whilst your cooling off.


  1. This was good idea to write/blog about. I do feel like I've gained more knowledge about jogging / running. I like how you included pictures for every leading paragraph, making it easier for the audience to gain a better understanding of what they are reading about. I would add some more ending statements to your conclusion to wrap everything up.

    1. I am glad my blog provided you with useful information and helped extend your knowledge about jogging. I will take your advice seriously because know that you pointed it out, I should add more ending statements to my conclusion so it doesn't come out plain.

  2. This is an attractive blog and easy to get into. Some of the sentences seem overly complex, especially early on. Finally, there is a lack of information about knowing how much one should jog. Sure, you could say that it's up to the reader to decide, but considering this is a beginner's blog, perhaps you could have given some structure to work with beyond the preparation and cool-down.
